Coconut-Pineapple Sorbet (without ice-cream maker) by Lily Tan

~ Come chill out with home-made smooth creamy Coconut-Pineapple Sorbet 椰香凤梨冰糕🍍🍨 ... to complement the sweet pineapple, coconut milk is added to enhance a tropical flavour with a subtle tinge of ginger and lime to balance the sweetness. ~

Ingredients: (make approx. 600ml sorbet)- 1 Pineapple (peeled, cored and cut into small chunks)
- 150ml Coconut Milk (fresh or packet)
- Half cup Sugar (or more)
- 4-5 Ginger Slices @3mm-thick (crushed* - see footnote)
- Lime Juice of 1 lime
- 1 Uncooked Egg for testing (wash clean and wipe dry)

Steps (refer to pic below)1. Mix coconut milk, sugar and crushed ginger in a small pan, stir and simmer it till sugar is dissolved. Set aside to cool down then strain into a big bowl.

2. Place pineapple chunks in a blender and blend it till smooth. {Remember: do not use the core as its fibre cannot be blended well.}

3. Pour pineapple purée into the coconut milk mixture, add lime juice and mix it well with a whisk. {The mix should taste slightly too sweet as freezing dulls sweet flavour.}

4. Do a "Egg-Test"** (see footnote) to check if the mix contains the right proportion of sugar. {Important test because: 1. if too much sugar, it will never freeze; 2. if too little sugar, it will freeze like a brick.}

5. After done with test, pour the mix onto a shallow metal pan/plate and cover with a lid/aluminum foil. Freeze it for about 5-6 hours or until it is hard on the outside but slushy in the middle. Remove from freezer, use a fork to break and crush the icy chunks into a smooth mash. {If the frozen mix is too hard, let it stand a while before crushing it.}

6. Smoothen the mash evenly for another round of freezing. Repeat the same crushing step 4-5 hours later. This time, after crushing, transfer the mix to a storage container for freezing overnight or until firm.

7. To serve the sorbet in its best texture, settle it down for a few minutes to let it soften a little after removing from the freezer. Enjoy!

*How to crush ginger - Cover the sliced ginger with aluminum foil, use the base of a mug/glass or the end of a rolling pin, press down and crush it. (see pic below)

** "Egg Test" ~ A good sorbet should have really, really small ice crystals and taste creamy on its own, without any fat in it. To achieve this texture, the balance of sugar and water must be correct, thus we do the "Egg Test". (see pic below)

- Drop a clean egg gently in the sorbet mix, the egg will start to sink, check how much of the egg is floating on the mix surface:
- A) If you see a spot about the size of a one-dollar coin -> Good, correct sugar proportion
- B) If spot bigger than coin -> Too much sugar, so add a little water.
- C) If spot smaller than coin -> Too little sugar, so add a little sugar syrup.
- Stir and stir, repeat test until the right sugar proportion is achieved.