Sunday Brekkie by Rontree Chan

Corn soup recipe :Sauté 1/2 onion ( finely chopped) and 2 minced garlic with olive oil.
Add in one medium size potato ( peeled and boiled to soft).
Add 2 small boxes of corn kernels.
Add ard 2 cups chicken stock, cook for few mins then add seasoning.
Blend it after cooling.
Optional : bring to simmer and add heavy cream ard 200-300ml (I forgot how much I added) to thicken it and to hv more creamy texture. Garnish with some spring onion and chopped corn kernels.

Salmon toast box recipe:Cut off edges of a bread and use a rolling pin to flatten it.
Lightly spread butter on both sides.
Insert the bread to a square tin and bake for ard 10mins to form a box shape.
Insert filling ( poached salmon flake, onion, ham and cooked potato cubes, seasonings, topped with bechamel sauce and cheese.
Bake again at 180dc for ard 12mins.