Chicken Soup by Christine Tan

4 chicken drumsticks (cut excess fats & throw)
2 medium size potatoes (chopped chunks)
1 big carrot (peeled & chopped chunks)
2 big yellow onions (peeled & chopped quarters)
2 big garlics
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
2 and half big bowl of water
1/2 bowl of chicken broth (any brand is ok)

Throw all into the pot and brew it for 1hr 30mins or even longer (with medium fire) by the time the level of the soup will be reduced to 2 bowls. (Fyi)
Off fire ..Enjoy.

*Note - Best is cook till the chicken meat falls off easily then the chicken essence will immerse with the soup nicely. I preferred less salty soup. If u want it more stronger taste..increase the amt of chicken broth.