Tang Hoon Chap Cai Cantonese style by Janet Liew

Tang Hoon Chap Cai - Cantonese Style:
Cabbages - cut into junk
Chinese mushroom - slice
Mu-er (soak & slice)
Tau-kee (buy ready fried)
*Sweet tau-kee (cut & fried)
*dried lily bulb (soak)
Tang Hoon (soak)

Nam-yu 1-2pcs (depend how strong u like)
2 tsp chopped garlic
Sugar to taste

*optional (since my fam doesn't like, I omit tis items)

Fried garlic in little oil, lower fire & ads nam-yu. Once fragrant, add mushroom, add pinch of sugar

Add all other ingredients except tang hoon & fried,
Add a bit of water & stew for 20 mins til cabbage soften, add tang
hoon & season to taste...

Nam-yu play an impt part in tis dish, some like it but others may not...mine is lightly flavor w/ nam yu…