Salted Fish Pork Belly Soup by Michelle Heng

200g salted fish (head/bone & meat)
800g pork belly
4 pcs tau kwa (quartered)
12 tau po
25g old ginger (sliced)
1.5 ltr water

1. Briefly scald tau po to remove oil.
2. Briefly scald pork belly to remove scum, drain and cut into strips then into the size of 2 fingers thickness.
3. Brown tau kwa in a skillet with oil, set aside.
4. Brown salted fish to keep the flesh firm/intact when simmering, set aside.
5. Bring the pot of water to a boil together with ginger slices and pork belly, then simmer for a further 30mins on medium heat.
6. Add salted fish, tau kwa and tau po to simmer for another 20mins.
7. Bon appétit!