Non Alcohol Tiramisu by Jo R Zhu

1) Prepare Sugar 75g then add in Drinking Water 75L
Boil the sugar water in a pot

2) Prepare Gelatine
Gelatine leaf (2 pieces=15g), add cold water to soften, once soft, pour away water.

3) beat 2 egg yolks in mixer then add (1)the hot sugar water. Beat till foamy, add mascarpone 250g beat to smooth, add (2)watery gelatine & beat till smooth.

4) Whipped Cream 150g
Beat with low speed then increase to high speed till thick but not over, must monitor.

5) add (4) into (3) & mix well, no lumpy crumbs.

6) prepare the espesso 1 tsp plus some water & dip in the lady finger biscuit & lay the lady finger biscuit onto the cake tin, put a layer of the ready cream mixture (5), then put it in freezer about 10min for the cream to harden. Then repeat the laying step by laying a layer of lady finger biscuit again & then the cream mixture (5) again & put in freezer to thicken again for half to an hour if u want it quick, if not, place in the fridge & enjoy it next day. Remove cake from cake tin & sprinkle coco powder on top, slice some chocolate & decorate the top. Done & Enjoy!

 *cake tin need to be with removable bottom.

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