Curry & Sardine Puffs by Lianne Koh Lian Sum

Curry Puff recipe from:
I added chicken thigh meat (marinate with 1 tbsp curry powder) and hard boiled eggs. I used Baba brand meat curry powder.

Sardines Puff recipe:
use a can of Ayam brand sardines in tomato base (remove the sardine bones), slice some chilli padi (remove seeds if u prefer not too spicy), chopped some onions. First fry the onions with some oil, add chilli and fry till onions sweat, then add sardines and some salt as desired. U can add a little water, and fry till the sardine mixture becomes dry. Dish up and leave to stand. You will see some oil after standing the Sardine mixture, scoop away before wrapping with dough.
To have the Malay style crust (with air holes), the oil and butter step is very important. Once oil and butter are heated, pour them gradually into the flour mixture. This step will create the nice texture.