Sambal Lemongrass Chicken by Jessie Koey


1/2 kampong chicken - washed and cut into pcs, marinate with 1 tsp tumeric powder and some salt, fried in oil until golden brown. Drain and set aside.
100ml coconut milk
2 lemongrass - bruised
2 pcs assam keping
salt, sugar and chicken powder to taste
1 tsp tomato sauce
2 tbsp chilli paste
Blended Ingredients
2 big onions/6 shallots
3 garlics
4 red chillies
3 chilli padi (add more if you want more spicy)
2 lemongrass
2 inch blue ginger
2 inch yellow ginger
1 tbsp oil and 50 ml water


1) Heat 2 tbsp oil in a wok and saute the bruised lemongrass, chilli paste, tomato sauce with the blended ingredients till aromatic and oil floats on surface.
2) Add assam keping, coconut milk, salt, sugar, chicken powder, stir and mix and simmer over medium heat till well mixed for 1-3 mins. Add In the fried chicken and mix evenly and when gravy thickens, dish out and serve. (add more water if you wants more gravy).