30mins Fast Hokkien Mee by Christine Tan NonyaKueh‎


1 big garlic (peeled n chopped chunks)
1 pkt flat yellow noodle
3 bowls of water
1 pkt of Yau Mai chye (u can use other veg. Chye xin or etc)
6 big prawns
3 drumsticks washed (skin on)
1 cup chicken broth (swanson brand)
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon sugar (by adding this lil bit of sugar helps to enhance the broth taste)
1 teaspoon ground pepper

  1. Add 2 tablespoon cooking oil into cooker
  2. Add garlic into cooker (abt 3mins is enough)
  3. Add chicken broth and 3 bowls of water and mix well
  4. Throw in the drumsticks
  5. Add in sesame oil..oyster sauce ..pepper.. sugar..dark soy sauce.. stir well
  6. Close lid and let it cook
  7. Once u see the broth boiling (abt 20mins)
  8. Open lid and add noodle and veg
  9. & prawns.. mix well
  10. By this time..your broth which consists of 3 bowls of water ..should have been reduced to 2 bowls.
  11. Close fire and serve hot.
  12. Best with chopped chilli padi