腌制木瓜 Homemade Marinated Papaya by Connie Ng

1) choose the papaya which is still young & uncooked
2) remove the skin & seed of papaya then slice 1-2mm thickness (do not wash after slice)...
3) after slice soak the slice papaya with hot water & a pinch of salt for few mins to let it turn soft then drain the water.

4) chilli padi ( remove seed if prefer not so spicy then slice into small pcs)
5) seedless sour plum (slice into small pcs)
6) sugar (1/2 - 1 teaspoon) according own preference

Mix the slice papaya with item 4 - 6 (portion according to own preference) after done store the papaya into fridge & marinated for at least 2 hr, then can serve with cool!!!

Post link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/singaporehomecooks/search/?query=papaya