Kuih Seri Muka by Lena Lai

Lower Layer: 3 cups glutinous rice (soak at least 2 hrs, drain)
3 cups coconut
½ teaspoon salt

Top Layers: 3 cups thick coconut milk
6 strands of pandan leaves (make the pandan juice) – can add more if u wanted it to be greener
½ Cup Sugar
2/3 Cup plain flour
1/3 Cup Tapioca flour/custard
1 eggs
1 teaspoon salt

Bottom Layer:
1) mix all ingredients for lower layer, add pandan leaves.
2) Steam glutinous rice till cook, abt 30 mins.
3) Press compact glutinous rice.

Top layer:
1) Blend all ingredients and filter. To extract pandan juice, cut pandan leaves n blend with some coconut milk. Then add into batter.
2) Pour gently on glutinous rice just now.
3) Steam approximately ½ hour using medium fire
4) cool down before new cut and ready to be served.

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