Mini Oreo Nutella Cupcakes by Camilla Teo

(less sweeter version)

3 eggs
3/4 bottle of Nutella (one bottle is 375g)
1 cup of all purpose flour
30-36 Mini Oreo biscuit (Original or Chocolate)

1) Preheat the oven to 180C degree.
2) Line your mini cupcake pan with paper liners. Split mini Oreo biscuits into halves. Place the non cream side of biscuits on paper liners as the bottom of mini cupcakes.
3) Break 3 eggs and whisk in a large bowl until they are broken up.
4) Add Nutella to the eggs. Whisk them together until they are smooth.
5) Add the all-purpose flour to the bowl, and gently stir it in with a spatula. Stir till flour are covered by Nutella mixture, avoid over stirring.
6) Scoop the mixture into the prepared mini cupcake pan, about 3/4 full.
7) Bake the mini cupcakes at 180C degree for about 10 minutes or till the top are dry and a little crack.
8) Remove mini cupcakes from oven to cool at room temperature.
9) Place the other side of Oreo biscuit (the side with cream) on top of the mini cupcakes.
10) Freeze the cupcakes in fridge for a while for Mini Oreo Nutella Cupcakes
(less sweeter version)

3 eggs
3/4 bottle of Nutella (one bottom is 375g)
1 cup of all purpose flour
30-36 Mini Oreo biscuit (Original or Chocolate)

1) Preheat the oven to 180C degree.
2) Line your mini cupcake pan with paper liners. Split mini Oreo biscuits into halves. Place the non cream side of biscuits on paper liners as the bottom of mini cupcakes.
3) Break 3 eggs and whisk in a large bowl until they are broken up.
4) Add Nutella to the eggs. Whisk them together until they are smooth.
5) Add the all-purpose flour to the bowl, and gently stir it in with a spatula. Stir till flour are covered by Nutella mixture, avoid over stirring.
6) Scoop the mixture into the prepared mini cupcake pan, about 3/4 full.
7) Bake the cupcakes at 180C degree for about 10 minutes or till the top are dry and a little crack.
8) Remove cupcakes from oven to cool at room temperature.
9) Place the other side of Oreo biscuit (the side with cream) on top of the cupcakes.
10) Freeze the mini cupcakes in fridge for a while for the cream to dry up.